One On One Wig Classes
Wig making €590 - including flawless installation on model €750
Flawless wig installation on a model €500 ready made wig (factory made)
Flawless wig installation on yourself €400 ready made wig (factory made)
Price are included VAT (BTW)
Learn how to do like me
• Bleach knots
. Hair Plucking
• Tint lace to match clients skin tone
• Correct bleaching mistakes
. Know Good lace and Bad lace
. Tweeze to replicate low or full hairlines
• Correctly cut of excess lace
• Measure correctly to construct wigs
• Construct a glueless frontal wig
•Hand made wig or Machine made wig
. You need to your provide your own model.
All equipment needed for the lesson will be provide by SweetSerwaaHair with the exception (exclusive) of the Hair Bundles, frontal, or ready made wig (factory made).
MUST be provided by the student. 3 bundles of hair Needed frontal must been HD or Transparent
Located: 📍Den Haag
To BOOK for the class €150 non refundable deposit is required to pay on the site, remaining balance can be pay on the due day.
Certificate will be provided by Sweetserwaahair